Why waste time talking when you could be doing? Marcus Aurelius once said “Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.” His quote is plain and simple, actions speak louder than words. There is no need to talk and talk about what one should be, just do. In the end people will not remember you for what you said you would do, but for what you actually accomplished. There are many different ways to restate Marcus’ saying, the most frequently used in today’s society is ‘man up’, but that’s just a little sexist. I believe that talk is ‘cheap’ and no one takes you serious until you take action and do what you say you will.
Many teenagers have this problem; we talk and talk about what we want to do, but most of the time never really ‘step up’ and do anything. Those who do are known as honorable people, seen as a ‘man of his word.’ We all should be able to stop talking so much and just act, do what we believe is right and what we believe is best for us, not just talk about it. Many people in high school say “I am going to go to college after I graduate” yet for some reason or another less than half of the students who say this don’t.
If you say something, do it. Do not just talk about, take action, grow up and do what you say you will. Set goals for yourself and accomplish them, because there is no point in saying you’ll do something if you don’t really mean it. When someone says they will do something or be someone and actually accomplish that they become respected by their peers. Those people are someone you can count on. Marcus Aurelius lived in a time period where the most important thing to someone was their family and their pride. The people of that time period felt that they had to live up to what they said they would be because they had to protect their pride and feel that sense of respect by their peers. Sadly, this is not too important to many people in our generation. Most people of this generation just talk and never really do anything they say they will. Grow up, better yet, ‘sack up!’
Nice job! I agree with everything you said. A lot of people "talk the talk" but don’t "walk the walk", that is a huge problem. I know a lot of people who are unreliable because I just can't trust what they say. You interpreted the quote perfectly, and I liked your topic!
ReplyDeleteI agree with you 100% on this topic! There's no need for all the pointless conversations and all the stupid he said she said stuff be like Nike and 'Just Do It.'Its true our generation is more talk behind eachothers back or lie about something stupid, we don't really understand the importance behind the whole talk is 'cheap' thing like you said 'sack up!' Great job putting it into your own words!
ReplyDeleteI kinda agree with you, but many people of this world focus to much on the future or the past not relizing that the future and the past are not relivent. By this I mean when people argue what a good man is, they bring up irrrelivent material from the past such as he is a good man because he did this or if you want to be a good man you have to do this. I think he means that you have to focus on the present time and do things today to become that good man, because their is no future because future becomes present, thus i think he means just do and live in the now. Dont say i will go to college just act now to get to college.....if that makes sense.
ReplyDeleteI agree with your interpretation of Aurelius' quote completely! So many people place themselves on a high horse, and exhibit it through their excessive blabber. But hardly any of these people actually go through with what they say they'll do. To prove to people you're capable of doing something, the only way to prove it is by actually going out and DOING IT. Great post! :D
ReplyDeleteSo inspirational! What you argue for is exactly what should be don't by everyone in the world. Those who don't stay true to their word are looked down upon because honesty is so easily forgotten in our messed up world. This was perfect and I wish everyone had your point of view!
ReplyDeleteWell, this is a pretty cool blog post, I like the tone of it. It's so blunt, people today do have a very big problem with keeping their promises, or actually backing up what they have to say. The sentence structure is pretty good, and your style of diction drives your point forward even more, keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteYA, our generation has forgotton the value of our words and our determination to say what we mean . Some have lost thier determination PERIOD! we lack value to what we say and the respect to make them possible . Talking useto be more than just talk it useto mean your reputation.