Thursday, May 17, 2012

“Accept the things, to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you, but do so with all your heart.” – Marcus Aurelius

Fate is known as the development of events that are out of one’s control, often regarded by a supernatural power. Does everyone believe in fate? I do, I feel everything happens for a reason and that there are some things in life you cannot change. Some things are just destined that way, sometimes one of those things is love. Love can be many things, but is something in different times throughout one’s life that you can’t control. Every now and again you fall for someone and at times you feel like you would’ve never fallen for them before. But you did. Love is tricky, but it is an emotion and feeling we should all experience.
When you fall in love, love everything about it. Also love that person with everything you have. That’s truly how you know you are in love, when you love the other person or thing with all your heart like Aurelius stated. Life can be short and your fate could call for the end at any point in time, so love those who life brings you. Find happiness with the people around you and enjoy the time you have with them. Live everyday like it could be your last, because you never know when it could be.


  1. Well, is I have to say one thing it's that i'm not getting tired of these Marcus Aurelius quotes, people use them for a reason, and that's because they are good at explaining things that apply to everyone. Like fate and destiny, even though I have to disagree with you about destiny, I can always respect somebody who can defend it, good job man!

  2. I really like the quote you chose. People are always crossed between whether things happen by fate or it just happens. Personally I believe in fate, because I believe things happen for a reason. I truly enjoy your quote and explanation. Also I am glad that you told us that you did believe in it, which made this piece more relatable. Good job :)

  3. Your interpretation of this quote is really easy to relate to ! Because everyone has experienced some kind of love, whether it be loving a family member, friend, or pet. One mistake that we all make is not being appreciative of things that we should be; we often take things for granted in life. With every privilege we're given, we should be able to love and appreciate it, for we can't always foresee our futures and fate will always intervene. Great post :)

  4. That was so inspiring :') But that has been my motto for the longest time. I LOVE this sentence "Live everyday like it could be your last, because you never know when it could be". I agree 200% with this because that is how I live my life. Take advantage of everyday and never waste your time because it is too short to simply throw away. Great post Carlos!:)

  5. Although I do not believe in fate necessarily, I do believe that there are some things in life out of our own personal control. If that isn't contradicting. I am a huge fan of Aurelius and his words almost always inspire me, as well as hit-home with the messages they bring. I do agree with your take that we should learn to love and enjoy whatever "life brings us" because if we don't, we will never achieve happiness. Great post.

  6. Lol I just finished reading a quote when the writer wrote that fate is something that can be controlled in your own hands and that in order to achieve something you must do it yourself . And then i finished reading your Blog when you descriptively describe how life cant always be controlled . And i agree with both of you . I believe sometimes it is hard to try to control everything and on the things you miss FATE GIVES A HELPING HAND.

  7. I have a different problem .....Im very self competetive....I can NOT except falure!!...Now in my latter effects me even more!!I get frustrated....irritable...angry....I condem myself to the worst as a complete failure....This is where I blame ...FATE!!!....Guardian angle??.....sometimes religion??....why does this happen NOW atthis stage of my life....I become very depressed with myself..I do believe things can go wrong ...only if Im busy with it....but then AGAIN I blame fate!! it just gets tougher and tougher........
