Tuesday, May 22, 2012

“Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.” -Albert Einstein

Love is a touchy subject for many. But what exactly causes us to love someone or something? According to Einstein it is not gravity, there’s just more to it. I’d like to say that it’s our hearts but scientifically I’m sure it is our brains that make us feel love. Our society likes to think this feeling comes from the heart but we all truly know it that’s not true. In the end though, that doesn’t matter because where ever it comes from it’s the same. Love is a great feeling; it brings joy and happiness and makes you feel good. It stimulates every part us and as some say can be the result of true ‘happiness.’
Although I am young and have not lived too long I know I have experienced the feeling of love. I have experienced the joy it brings and the sense of fulfillment it generates. This is a feeling everyone deserves to feel and understand, and I truly believe that everyone has someone out there for them. I’m not too sure its ‘fate’ but I really don’t know what else to call it. To find that person we must go through a lot of trial and error, slowly building our relationship experience. That person is somewhere on this earth, we just have to go and search, be patient, and have an open mind. I think that is the most interesting thing about love, you never really know who you will fall for.

Love is tricky and it can be a surprise, I know for a fact it was for me. I never saw it coming but after I realized it I never really questioned it again. I hope that later on in life I find that person I want to spend my life with, the person I truly love and never want to leave. Hopefully everyone finds that person and lives a happy life along side them, after all what’s the point of life without having something or someone to be happy about? Don’t be afraid to take chances and go after the ones you love. Once you find that person, never let them go, treat them right, and love them with all your heart, all you have to give.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

“Accept the things, to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you, but do so with all your heart.” – Marcus Aurelius

Fate is known as the development of events that are out of one’s control, often regarded by a supernatural power. Does everyone believe in fate? I do, I feel everything happens for a reason and that there are some things in life you cannot change. Some things are just destined that way, sometimes one of those things is love. Love can be many things, but is something in different times throughout one’s life that you can’t control. Every now and again you fall for someone and at times you feel like you would’ve never fallen for them before. But you did. Love is tricky, but it is an emotion and feeling we should all experience.
When you fall in love, love everything about it. Also love that person with everything you have. That’s truly how you know you are in love, when you love the other person or thing with all your heart like Aurelius stated. Life can be short and your fate could call for the end at any point in time, so love those who life brings you. Find happiness with the people around you and enjoy the time you have with them. Live everyday like it could be your last, because you never know when it could be.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

"Waste no more time arguing about what a good man shold be. Be One." - Marcus Aurelius

Why waste time talking when you could be doing? Marcus Aurelius once said “Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.” His quote is plain and simple, actions speak louder than words. There is no need to talk and talk about what one should be, just do. In the end people will not remember you for what you said you would do, but for what you actually accomplished. There are many different ways to restate Marcus’ saying, the most frequently used in today’s society is ‘man up’, but that’s just a little sexist. I believe that talk is ‘cheap’ and no one takes you serious until you take action and do what you say you will.
Many teenagers have this problem; we talk and talk about what we want to do, but most of the time never really ‘step up’ and do anything. Those who do are known as honorable people, seen as a ‘man of his word.’ We all should be able to stop talking so much and just act, do what we believe is right and what we believe is best for us, not just talk about it. Many people in high school say “I am going to go to college after I graduate” yet for some reason or another less than half of the students who say this don’t.
If you say something, do it. Do not just talk about, take action, grow up and do what you say you will. Set goals for yourself and accomplish them, because there is no point in saying you’ll do something if you don’t really mean it. When someone says they will do something or be someone and actually accomplish that they become respected by their peers. Those people are someone you can count on. Marcus Aurelius lived in a time period where the most important thing to someone was their family and their pride. The people of that time period felt that they had to live up to what they said they would be because they had to protect their pride and feel that sense of respect by their peers. Sadly, this is not too important to many people in our generation. Most people of this generation just talk and never really do anything they say they will. Grow up, better yet, ‘sack up!’

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Wayne Gretzky once said “A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be.” This great comment stated by one of the most famous and well known hockey players of all time is true. A great player understands where the puck will be before it arrives there. They know how to make plays because they see them before they happen and put themselves in the perfect positions. Every year players rise and fall. Some often shine all through the season, but some, save the best for the playoffs.

In this year’s Stanley Cup Playoffs many have risen to the occasion and have shown great skill. But what exactly separates the great players from the good ones?  It is not the random bursts of skill or talent, but consistent leadership and play-making abilities that one brings day in and day out throughout an entire season that sets them apart from the rest. These are the true players, and the one who deserve to be called great. Hockey is an amazing sport, with many talented athletes from around the world.

In this year’s playoff series many names like Jonathan Quick, Shane Doan, Danny Briere, and Brad Richards have been outstanding throughout the first rounds of the playoffs. They have showed consistent amount of skill throughout the 2012 season and have been named great. These are some of the best NHL players and that is because they work hard. They push themselves every day, trying harder every day to keep improving their skills and constantly doing what Wayne  said, playing where the puck is going to be.

You could argue that this is why these men have had great careers, because they can see how a play is going to develop before it even begins. At times you sense that they had it all planned out, but if you are a true hockey fan you know that everything that happens on the ice happens in a split second. No one plans the plays ahead of time; they all play off instinct and chemistry created by the team its self. These men who can see it all happen, and put themselves and their team in the best position to win are the true greats!

This year’s first rounds of playoffs have been great. There have been records broken, top teams have been eliminated by the underdogs, and there has been nothing but excitement and true skill shown by everyone. The great game of hockey is mostly physical, but also mental and the best of the best are the ones who know how to play with both mind and body. Wayne Gretzky was right, a great player is distinguished by how he plays the puck, but he forgot to mention that most of all, great players are distinguished by how they get those around them to play the puck. After all hockey is a team sport, to be great and win championships it takes a team.